Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Shin, Tav, and Beit Addendum

After writing my last post regarding the Shin-Tav exchange in Russian I realized two flaws in the logic.

Firstly, the formal form in Russian is primarily defined by a "B" [ב] in it's address of 2nd person-- вы хотите, vui chatite, you want-

the "-te" [ת] is only used as a suffix.

Secondly, in the informal, of all letters, the primary letter used for 2nd person informal is ת!! -- Tei Choichish.

Worst of all is the established Tei-Vui distinction across many of the world's languages. See Wikipedia T-V Distinction. So what i said definitely needs tweaking...

However, you will note that in Hebrew-Aramaic as well, the ת not only switches with ש as mentioned earlier, but with ב as well... as in תא שמע . coming from בא שמע.

So at this point what we have is a seemingly complex interchange between ש,ב,ת. Interesting.

Shin and Tav Exchange, ש"ת

Anyone familiar with gemara knows that often the hebrew ש is replaced in aramaic with a ת (e.g. תורא, תנינן, תלגא )

In russian as well the two switch, depending on whether talking formal or informal.

Formal speech (vui) ends with ת (e.g. You want, вы хотите , vui chatite) whereas the informal (tei) is ש
[Don't know the spelling but transliterated it's something like "tei choichish"]

Could they actually be opposites of one another? The ת denoting distance (ארמי) whereas the ש used for closeness (עברי)?

See הקדמת הזהר as well where the ת is used ultimately to judge and kill צדיקים whereas the ש is seemingly perfect if not for the fact that it is accompanied by קר to allow for שקר...

[Note also the peculiarity of the ש on our תפילין של ראש vs the ת on their foreheads in יחזקאל ט
והתוית תיו על מצחות האנשים הנאנחים והנאנקים על כל התועבות הנעשות בתוכה ]

No idea what I'm talking about really but just food for thought for now.

Monday, August 24, 2009

'ב' as כלי

It is known the concept of the letter Beit ב being seen as an empty vessel or container.
Both in terms of the letter visually (3 sides with one opening) as well as etymologically:
בית being a house. בת being a container of liquids (as well as a daughter which is consistent with the כלי theme ואין כאן מקום להאריך )

With that in mind I would like to point out the "B" sound is used in atleast 2 other languages as a form of "without" or "not" : Russian and Persian.

In Russian you have the word for "without" byez or без (note the similarity of byez to Beit also)
In Persian you have the "bi-" used for "without" as in "birangam"- I am without color

All based on the same concept of ב as vessel, container, receptacle, lacking.

The implications in regards to the ב of בראשית being very far reaching indeed. Further things to consider:
  • the opening of the Beit corresponding to the צד צפונית של עולם
  • the real difference between a ב and a ס (and ם as well). One being a receptacle with an opening for input versus a seemingly completed receptacle with no further need for input...

Saturday, August 22, 2009

Steel, Iron, and Copper

Was reading about Steel and how it's produced from Iron/ברזל on Wikipedia.
Apparently standard Iron (Fe) either comes with Oxygen as Iron Oxide (FeO3) or with Sulfur as Iron Sulfide (FeS2) (Fool's Gold). They then use Carbon (in the form of coke) to exchange the Oxygen/Sulfur with Carbon to make Steel. But I digress.

In any event thought to look up ברזל in the Torah and came across the following peculiarity:
It's a curse to have your earth like iron and your heaven's like copper yet a good thing if the earth has stones of iron and mountains from which to take copper. Strange.

והיו שמיך אשר על-ראשך, נחשת; והארץ אשר-תחתיך, ברזל
ארץ אשר אבניה ברזל, ומהרריה תחצוב נחושת

I also thought it uncanny how in the majority of places in Tanach, ברזל and נחשת seem to go hand in hand with each other. דוק ותשכח

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Russian God

Looked up the etymology of the word God.

Admittedly a loose connection but worth noting.

The word of god in russian- год -meaning "year" / שנה , being then equivalent to ספיר"ה

In contrast to the Torah view:
אנת הוא דאפקת עשר תקונין, וקרינן לון עשר ספירן, לאנהגא בהון עלמין סתימין דלא אתגליין, ועלמין דאתגליין,ובהון אתכסיאת מבני נשא

Monday, August 3, 2009

Nietzsche's Nothing For Nihilism

As Chazal say שמא גרים

Interesting then how in russian, the word for Nietzsche or ничего means literally "nothing". Who else to be the proponent of nihilism?

Would love to connect the "nichi" root to that of forgetting כי נשני אלקים" but couldn't say for sure.

אליהו בחור לויטה- מסורת המסורת - Notes

A גברא רבא .
(Although I do humbly disagree with some of his arguments in his writings, particularly that משפטים בל ידעום does not apply to גויי זמננו ).

See his bio in hebrew wikipedia. Downloaded his book מסורת המסורת .
Below are just some highlights I want to jot down:

A total of 848 קריין וכתיבין in Tanach. קריי"ן וכתב"ן סימן

65 in Torah. [21 of which interestingly are those of נער/ה]
454 in Navi.
329 in Ketuvim.

32 in Yehoshua. 133 in Sefer Shmuel.

וצריך הרבה עוד עיון