Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Greek Suffix '-os' - יון

Just a cute רמז  I guess.  Notice that a large number of Greek names end with the suffix '-os' e.g. אנטיוכוס, אנטיגנוס, פיליפוס, פרסיוס וכו

The suffix '-os'  'וס' being equivalent to יו"ן.  

Just Wasn't A Right Fit

Taken from Plutrach's biography on Aemelius Paulus

His [Aemelius Paulus] first wife was Papiria, the daughter of Maso, who had formerly been consul. With her he lived a considerable time in wedlock, and then divorced her, though she had made him the father of noble children; being mother of the renowned Scipio and Fabius Maximus. The reason of this separation has not come to our knowledge; but there seems to be a truth conveyed in the account of another Roman's being divorced from his wife, which may be applicable here. 
This person being highly blamed by his friends, who demanded, Was she not chaste? was she not fair? was she not fruitful? 
Holding out his shoe, asked them, Whether it was not new? and well made? Yet, added he, none of you can tell where it pinches me. 
Certain it is, that great and open faults have often led to no separation; while mere petty repeated annoyances, arising from unpleasantness or incongruity of character, have been the occasion of such estrangement as to make it impossible for man and wife to live together with any content. 

Monday, November 14, 2011

שמע ישראל, לא כוון דעתיה- ברכות לג

ברכות לג עמוד ב

אמר ר' זירא כל האומר שמע שמע כאומר מודים מודים דמי מיתיבי הקורא את שמע וכופלה הרי זה מגונה מגונה הוא דהוי שתוקי לא משתקינן ליה לא קשיא הא דאמר מילתא מילתא ותני לה והא דאמר פסוקא פסוקא ותני ליה אמר ליה רב פפא לאביי ודילמא מעיקרא לא כוון דעתיה ולבסוף כוון דעתיה אמר ליה חברותא כלפי שמיא מי איכא אי לא כוון דעתיה מעיקרא מחינן ליה במרזפתא דנפחא עד דמכוין דעתיה

Probably not the true intent of the gemara but I had a thought of how to understand the gemara:

The idea of שמע ישראל being that all of existential reality comes together and meets as one unity of reality. If so, if you're having trouble being מכוון to that concept, the solution is we hit you over the head with a hammer. Now... that sharp searing pain that you're currently feeling clearly and solely in your mind, that's now a part of the singularity of Existence too! Focusing on that IS then your כוונת שמע ישראל. In other words, there can be no excuse for not being כוון דעתיה. All you need to do is open your sensors to your existence, be it what it may, and that then is your ייחוד שמע ישראל.

Friday, November 11, 2011

Etymology - Agora - אגורה

Clearly the greek Agora being related to the אגור mentioned in משלי
ו,ח  תכין בקיץ לחמה;    אגרה בקציר, מאכלה
י,ה  אגר בקיץ, בן משכיל;    נרדם בקציר, בן מביש.

Also consider שמואל א פרק ב -- אגורת כסף.

It's meaning "gathering/collection" is seen in חז"ל as well in regards to אגור בן יקה and זית אגורי-זית ששמנו אגור בתוכו.

So it's really then a slap in the face when googling the etymology of Agora all the websites list Greek as the primary source of the word!

Sunday, November 6, 2011

שער הכוונות - פותח את ידך - פא"י

עי' שעה"כ על תפלות השחר וז"ל
הנה ר"ת פותח את ידך פא"י והוא שם אחד מע"ב שמות של ויסע ויבא ויט גם סודו חיבור שתי שמות הויה אדני עכ"ל

וקשה לי טובא כשמדקדקין בע"ב שמות של הפסוקים אין שם כזה בכלל! והשם הכי קרובה הוא שם הנו' שהינו שם פו"י.. 
ויבא בין מחנה מצרים ובין וגו
ותמהני איך אפשר לטעות בדבר כזה... וצע"ע

[וע"כ חייבין לפרש דכוונתו אל שם סא"ל , שם מ"ה מתוך הע"ב שמות, דעולה מספרו פא"י]

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

"Out of Fuel" by anonymous shidduchim blogger

"What do you do with yourself all Sunday? What are you doing for so many hours holed up in your room?"

It's uttered innocently, masked as a curiosity question, nothing loaded, nothing more than technicalities. But I know better...I know what's behind it. I know the disappointment that's laced through every word, I know what's being thought. You're wasting your life...why can't you buckle down and do something purposeful, why can't you do something good once in a while.

It stings. But it's an echo of my own voice, my own accusations.

Why can't I buckle down...why can't I do something useful...why am I wasting so much time, hours upon hours, days upon days, weeks upon weeks, months upon months...when are you going to get your act together?

I want it more than anyone...other people think it's a disappointment to them? I'm living it. I want a full life. I want to make the most of my days. I want to take advantage of my opportunities. I don't want to waste time, I don't want to waste ten minutes, never mind ten months. I don't want this at all.

I know what it looks like. I know how it seems. I have the time. I have the strength. I have the freedom. I have all the resources. Except for the fuel. And the fuel is something the world doesn't see, the world doesn't know...

The fuel that is composed of peace of mind...the fuel that cannot have sadness drowning out the proper functioning of neural pathways...the fuel that is lacking when I can't fall asleep at night and then can't wake up in the morning...the fuel that needs happiness and fulfillment to beget more happiness and fulfillment...the fuel that doesn't work without logic and logic is suffocated by heartbreak....

And the time keeps on bleeding...and the recriminations pile up...and the remorse and self-flagellation deepen...and when your heart is hurting, you hardly even care...