Br"R 46:3 - בראשית רבה מו ג
אמר לו הקדוש ב"ה לאברהם: דייך אני ואתה בעולם, ואם אין את מקבל עליך לימול דיי לעולמי עד כאן ודייה לערלה עד כאן ודייה למילה שתהא עגומה עד כאן. אמר: עד שלא מלתי, היו באים ומזדווגים לי, תאמר: משמלתי, הן באין ומזדווגים לי! אמר לו הקב"ה: אברהם! דייך, שאני אלוהך! דייך, שאני פטרונך! ולא לך לעצמך, אלא דיי לעולמי, שאני אלוהו! דיו לעולמי, שאני פטרונו!
Something of an obscure Midrash to understand but this is how I do by way of a mashal/parable. To a woman so enthralled by a man that she wishes all the women of the world could have a relationship with him. In such a dynamic, a peculiar quandary is created upon the man's request for her to enter into a relationship (a ברית) with him. Namely, by what right can she accept the offer and exclude the rest of the world's women from sharing the same experience? By what right can she justify singling herself out and leaving behind her friends?
Yet the man can answer that readily. He can't have the same feelings for the rest of the world's women as he has for her. She is the only one with whom he can have a deeply fulfilling relationship with. If she's to demand an all-or-nothing approach- the whole world or no one- it leads to a de facto stalemate with everyone going back and sitting in their corners, alone and frustrated with their inability to further their interrelationships any further. It all stops עד כאן.
Rather it's in her accepting and entering into a relationship with her lover that ultimately is the greater good for the collective whole. In giving this man some concrete base (יסוד) with which to build around, some small particular relationship with which to build from, she then enables him to ultimately love and connect (in varying degrees) with the rest of the entire world with which she is connected and which she deeply cared for at the outset. The accessing of כלה כל . See here
And so it's the small, individual foundation of a relationship that she affords him that ultimately suffices (שדי) for his integration with the rest of the entire universe.
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