Friday, May 1, 2009

Slavic-Hebrew Connections

Going through a little russian these days. They say it comes in part from Greek and Hebrew.... haven't seen enough yet to have an opinion personally.

Meantime though wanted to jot down connections I see so far:
  1. Egg -- Yeitza in Rus. vs. Beitza in Heb
  2. End -- Kanyetz in Rus. vs. Keitz in Heb
  3. there is -- Yaist vs Yesh in Hebrew
  4. Eta in Rus. vs Zot זאת in Heb
  5. 'ukusa' (укуса)- bite - as in עקיצת עקרב
  6. саду 'sadu' - garden - as in שדה
  7. "Upala" упала - fell - from נפל
  8. "kupit" - to buy from קופה

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