Sociological insight is essentially the recognition that the social world guides our actions and choices similar to the change in seasons affecting our manner of dress.... and since the sociologists have abundant knowledge as to the modes of action of the society, they can analyze and foresee with a certain degree of precision how we (individuals) will act in the future.There's of course a lot more to quote but I like to keep my writing brief. In any event, my thought being that the verse in Mishlei 29 is really appropriate to Sociology.
מושל מקשיב על דבר שקר כל משרתיו רשעים because the individuals within any system, by definition, must function within the underlying foundations of that system, be they good or bad. On the micro level, of course, each individual has free choice for good or bad, but there's no escaping his place in the larger scope of the system that he's in... and if that larger scope is a system of מושל מקשיב על דבר שקר then he is, on that level of scale, a משרת רשע. (See Chullin 4b)
In general, it seems to me that Sociology deals heavily with the issues of ספירת מלכות as explained by R' Matis in his Sefirat HaOmer shiurim among others...
[I would further throw out the possibility (most probably out of aarogance and carpriciousness) that the 3 Paradigms of Sociology: (1) Structural Functionalism, (2) Conflict Theory, and (3) Symbolic Interactionism are essentially loose emphasis' of different dimensions in מלכות-- aיסוד שבמלכות, bגבורה שבמלכות, and cמלכות שבמלכות, respectively. Needs further thought...]
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