Ben-Gurion: I didn’t try to explain all the problems to you . . . but I’m
willing, if you’re interested, to continue the conversation in other directions
. . . because it’s very important to me that Arabs understand [us]—even
if they don’t accept my position. I see some things [you] can’t agree with.
Just as I don’t agree with your views . . . It is hard for an Arab to fathom
the Jewish position. I understand this. When I spoke with Arabs, the first
thing I told them was that I understand the Arab position. Before the
establishment of the state, I once stated in the Zionist Executive that talks
with the Arabs demanded only those people who have two qualities: no
Jewish inferiority complex (many Jews [suffer from this]), and second, that
they understand the Arab position as [the Arabs] understand it. Whoever
cannot grasp that, shouldn’t speak. I understand the Arab position. Not
only the position of our [Israeli] Arabs, but of Arabs much [more hostile] to
us than you. I perceive this. And it is very natural that Arabs should think:
what do these Jews want here? What do they want from this country? We
have been here for twelve hundred years. I can understand this.
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