Thursday, July 31, 2008

2 Thoughts-- Yaveish Gilad and Crying

-- the strange relationship of אנשי יבש גלעד and שבט בנימין. They are destoyed at the end of Sefer Shoftim for not coming to fight against Binyamin. They are saved by Shaul Hamelech (Binyamin) and then later save his body and his sons at the end of Shmuel...

was wondering if the fact that Binyamin was the only shevet not involved in the Brit of Gal Ed גל עד has anything to do with it.... יבש גלעד דייקא

[See Bereishit Rabba 71:9 and Divrei HaYamim I 8--> the remez of אליהו הגלעדי in the context of פרשת משפחת בנימין]

-- interesting material of Dane Cook on YouTube about crying... weight of the world on one's shoulders... wondering if there's any בכה בכ"ה connection ...

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