Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Initiating an Initiator -- Receptivity

We're accustomed to thinking that in male-female courtship the man is always the initiator e.g. the one to approach the girl, to ask her out, her phone number, etc. But actually I think that's only half true.
It's often the female who will first show signs of receptivity beforehand. It's the expression of receptivity that is the true initiator of the initiate so that ultimately what you have is two separate initiators --- one b'itgalya and one b'itkasya.
That I think is part of the dysfunction in your standard shidduch set-up. The man is attempting to court someone who has no real initial interest in him. In live settings, we men can make use of certain tricks to help induce that receptivity ;-)

The idea came to me when reading about the mating procedures of dolphins. There's alot we can take from dolphins in understanding our own selves i think (Bechoros 8A)

As I mentioned though, there are forms of courtship which are completely initiated by the male with no initial female interest whatsoever. It then becomes a responsibility on the male part to "spark her interest" i.e. to create a need, a want, receptivity.

Be that as it may though, either path you take, at some point in the process a need of, and receptivity to, must be formed for any true "click" of a male-female energy to work. Only empty spaces can be filled. - strange website though. Dr. Lily experimented with LSD while examing the dolphins so who knows if the info is credible....

http://www.zoophile.net/dolphin.php -- we have what to learn from the man regardless of his being an עבריין


[Afterwards, I saw it's מדוייק in Avot D'Rebbi Natan (פרק א) :
עשר קללות נתקללה חוה באותה שעה ..... והוא ימשל בך שהאיש תובע בפה והאישה תובעת בלב. ]

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