Here's my two cents though: while everyone's arguing about the Rambam in the Moreh and the opinions of Rishonim in their writings and the like, why doesn't anyone mention the possibility that this is bordering on the heels of kabbalistic realms and as such needs to be discussed in the context of kabbalistic works. Couldn't this presumably be some of the very issues of Ma'aseh Breishit/Merkava? What good then is arguing (ad nauseam I might add) solely about Rambams?
A good place to start I think would be the usage of Elokim throughout Ma'asei Breishit, אלהים being the same gematria as הטבע. That and a discussion of ה' הוא האלקים as per R' Yosef Gikatlia in his גנת אגוז would seem to be a relevant point to discuss and work out.
1 comment:
The Rambam himself mentions inthe Moreh the fact that the Gemara in Chagiga refers to Ma'aseh Bereishis as an esoteric body of knowledge.
The kabbalistic aspect of creation is found in the bridging of the gap between the Creator who is purely non-physical and non-temporal, and His act of creation which is physical and temporal.
I don't beleive this is of any help to those who say creation could have been through the agency of purely natural forces. It just pushes the question up one stage without solving anything. Natural forces are also physical and temporal.
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