Thursday, March 8, 2012


Note a puzzling thing: the word הוה, being essentially 75% of the שם המפורש, has in fact a negative connotation of שבר and tribulation as in יחזקאל ז) הוה על הוה) [even having the same vowelization!]... The only explanation in my mind being the loss of the 'י' as mentioned here.

If so we have an additional difficulty to resolve-- the word used for the Present term-- הווה , it being the only one of the three tenses bereft of a י...

לענ"ד the Present being in it's very essence (by virtue of it's being standalone and devoid of חיבור i.e. devoid of context) chaotic and ambivalent, hence frustrating and painful; contrary to a sequential chronological Past (היה) or an envisioned unfolding Future (יהיה).

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