Monday, July 8, 2013

Big Brother

Over the past year or so I'd say I've gotten a little more acquainted with Arab culture, specifically that of palestinian arab culture. Co-workers and songs on you tube mostly. And I have to say, I'm surprised to find a level of depth that I never considered before. There's heart in there, not some simple childish need to win or conquer alone I think. Specifically in regard to God and the land of Israel I find (or as called in numerous songs 'filistin').

And it kind of got me wondering what does הקב"ה do in such a situation? when you have two sides of an issue who've really got their hearts dug in, how is it possible -even for the most Perfect Being- to navigate such a situation such that not only is -for lack of better word- the 'worthier' side victorious, but that proper respect is given to the earnest heart of the losing side? It's almost seemingly an impossible paradox to solve...

And it got me thinking maybe that's partial pshat of that bewildering pasuk (which i can't find at the moment in Tanach, maybe a reader can help me) where --and i'm paraphrasing from a very vague memory-- the pasuk asks of הקב"ה not to listen to the prayers of the enemy  ( I really wish i could find the pasuk!!).  It's a strange thing really, how do you ask שמים not to accept a תפילה? If it's worthy and all, how does asking שמים to simply not listen to the תפילה effect anything?!

And I think therein is the answer. It's the giving respect to the weight of the other side in having to recognize that he's a בר הכי i.e. that there is substance in his side, there is what to consider, there is a need to ask שמים not to rule in his favor -- it's that deference of respect itself to the losing side which then allows שמים to rule in your favor (assuming you're worthy of such). It then expresses in a wholly True dimension that the decision was not a light one or an easy one. Millions of men women and children's tears' longing and prayers are not to be discounted blithely or easily. Respect. Respecting what's Real, what's True, whats Genuine --regardless of which side you're on-- I think that is the necessary and critical element needed to allow fate's decision to be wholly Just and Fair, from all perspectives. 

Only when the 'winning' child has the maturity and perspective to look upon his rivaling younger brother with respect, understanding, and care -- only then can any parent stand behind that child fully and delegate unto him authority. Anything less is just two babies incessantly fighting hopelessly and it makes for no good reason for the parent to 'get involved' and choose "who's right?". Just to keep them apart as much as possible and hope someday they'll both "grow up"....

Monday, July 1, 2013

If I were Prime Minister of Israel Now

Given the current civil syrian war and the greater sunni-shia conflict that it encompasses between Iran and the rest of the sunni arab world -- I think a great opportunity is being lost; an opportunity for showing goodness in the world, for laying down what we as Jews should hold close to who we are as a people and as עם הנבחר -- love and striving for peace, even when it's not in our own self interest.

If i were prime minister of Israel I'd hold a press conference asking the parties in the Syrian conflict to make peace (!!!). That's right, that's what i said - to make peace.

No israeli or jew should look upon the syrian conflict as a 'good thing'. While it certainly has political and military benefits to israel - destruction of people, families of mothers and children, Life -- these are things you have to mourn for, and do what you can to protest.

Imagine what it would say, what it would mean, if the prime minister of Israel were to hold a press conference right now and call upon the related parties to find reconciliation -- it would be the most sobering powerful thing imaginable. It wouldn't be brushed aside as political self-interest, but as a pure stark truthful statement as to how destructive and bad their actions are having on the world, on their own people, the simple people, fathers mothers and children just trying to live. and they might honestly take a step back and reassess. If 'Israel' is telling us it's bad - wow, it must be really bad.

We would do this, not because it's advantageous to our own purposes or political agenda -- it of course is not by all logical accounts. but that is what being a good person, a good people is, wanting and willing to do what it takes to make the world a better place even if having to sacrfice your own personal interests.

And it would express the will of what the jewish people ought to be --- not to be the stronger army or the 'winner' in some long world evolutionary conflict. but to be a member and a partner in the greater collective good of the world and it's enterprise. a world that hopefully can ultimately see it's fellow member as brothers, cousins, and comrades -- who may at times need to 'fight issues out', but at one and the same time never losing sight of the higher common values that they share, beyond the differences of ideology or religious dogma -- Life, it's advancement, it's preserving, it's respecting. Life, Peace, and Existential Expression.

That's the opportunity of expression that's being lost here.