Friday, April 29, 2011

David Ben-Gurion: "I Understand the Arab Position"

Excerpt from Ben-Gurion's discussion with Tewfik Toubi taken from a website I found (I hope it's authentic):

Ben-Gurion: I didn’t try to explain all the problems to you . . . but I’m
willing, if you’re interested, to continue the conversation in other directions
. . . because it’s very important to me that Arabs understand [us]—even
if they don’t accept my position. I see some things [you] can’t agree with.
Just as I don’t agree with your views . . . It is hard for an Arab to fathom
the Jewish position. I understand this. When I spoke with Arabs, the first
thing I told them was that I understand the Arab position. Before the
establishment of the state, I once stated in the Zionist Executive that talks
with the Arabs demanded only those people who have two qualities: no
Jewish inferiority complex (many Jews [suffer from this]), and second, that
they understand the Arab position as [the Arabs] understand it. Whoever
cannot grasp that, shouldn’t speak. I understand the Arab position. Not
only the position of our [Israeli] Arabs, but of Arabs much [more hostile] to
us than you. I perceive this. And it is very natural that Arabs should think:
what do these Jews want here? What do they want from this country? We
have been here for twelve hundred years. I can understand this. 

Monday, April 25, 2011

הבטה מלמעלה למטה

במדבר רבה ב:יב   ויוצא אותו החוצה ויאמר הבט נא השמימה וגו'. אמר רבי שמואל ב"ר יצחק: אינו אומר הבט, אלא שהוא נתון למעלה, כמה שנאמר (תהלים פ): הבט משמים וראה. 

Note the implications for the following pesukim:
ויסתר משה פניו כי ירא מהביט אל האלהים

ותמנת יהוה יביט

Monday, April 18, 2011

Paul H Appleby Quotes

Couldn't get a hold of any of his books save for "Big Democracy".
Paul Appleby quotes that I particularly liked:

"I have been only a small part of the Department of Agriculture, but the Department of Agriculture has been a great part of me."

"The newspapers give us daily snapshots of government, not panoramas. Nor do the snapshots run together present a panorama. They are chosen for dramatic or spot interest, not for completeness and perspective. Correspondents at the Dumbarton Oaks conference told State Department officials: "We are not interested when you agree; we want to know when you disagree." That approach and its limitations are implicit in newspaper conventions. Press competition for advance news leads to such a high percentage of speculative news that at times I suspect the people of knowing more about what their government did not do than they know about what it did."
[consider Don Henley's Dirty Laundry]

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Rav Dr. Michael Avraham - רב ד"ר מיכאל אברהם

Was very comforted to find his shiurim and writings on the various issues like מדרשי הלכה and the dynamic/changing/ processing nature of תורה שבעל פה.

Friday, April 1, 2011

Etymology: פלוני אלמוני

I was just struck by the usage of the Latin plenus "full, complete" in many languages (English plenty, plenary/ French plein/ Russian полный polniye ) and was thinking if it had any connection to the hebrew aramaic usage for the generic - פלוני...

I also looked up alimony in Latin and it apparently means sustenance, support.

So that put together פלוני אלמוני would mean "full support".. quite an odd connotation given the context in מגילת רות ... I think R' Matis has talked about that in his shiurim on רות.. will have to look into that further...

p.s.  Note the אותיות בומ"ף connection of ploni with the word "baloney" and the phrase "full of baloney". Is that why it's called baloney? because it's filled up with things? Maybe then we can understand פלוני אלמוני  i.e. he's "full of it".