Monday, February 27, 2012

Letter of Aristeas - Why Do Jews Discriminate?

It's one thing to hear a modern day discussion between jew and non-jew regarding the nature of jewish law but it's all the more fascinating to read a similar discussion 2,300 years ago between a greek Ptolemaic official and the Kohen Gadol...  full text is here ... and in hebrew here.... I have no idea what is meant that מעלה גרה ומפרסת פרסה is connected to זכרון (see below v 153)?.. It may in fact be correct here to re-translate זכרון here as "awareness"/"mindfulness" as R' Matis often pointed out.

128 It is worth while to mention briefly the information which he gave in reply to our questions. For I suppose that most people feel a curiosity with regard to some of the enactments in the law, 129 especially those about meats and drinks and animals recognized as unclean. When we asked why, since there is but one form of creation, some animals are regarded as unclean for eating, and others unclean even to the touch (for though the law is scrupulous on most points, it is specially scrupulous on such130 matters as these) he began his reply as follows: 'You observe,' he said, 'what an effect our modes of life and our associations produce upon us; by associating with the bad, men catch their depravities and become miserable throughout their life; but if they live with the wise and prudent, they find 131 the means of escaping from ignorance and amending their lives. Our Lawgiver first of all laid down the principles of piety and righteousness and inculcated them point by point, not merely by prohibitions but by the use of examples as well, demonstrating the injurious effects of sin and the 132 punishments inflicted by God upon the guilty. For he proved first of all that there is only one God and that his power is manifested throughout the universe, since every place is filled with his sovereignty and none of the things which are wrought in secret by men upon the earth escapes His knowledge. For all that a man does and all that is to come to pass in the future are manifest to 133 Him. Working out these truths carefully and having made them plain he showed that even if a man should think of doing evil - to say nothing of actually effecting it -134 he would not escape detection, for he made it clear that the power of God pervaded the whole of the law. 135 Beginning from this starting point he went on to show that all mankind except ourselves believe in the existence of many gods, though they themselves are much more powerful than the beings whom they vainly worship. For when they have made statues of stone and wood, they say that they are the images of those who have invented something useful for life and they worship them, though 136they have clear proof that they possess no feeling. For it would be utterly foolish to suppose that any one became a god in virtue of his inventions. For the inventors simply took certain objects already created and by combining them together, showed that they possessed a fresh utility: they 137 did not themselves create the substance of the thing, and so it is a vain and foolish thing for people to make gods of men like themselves. For in our times there are many who are much more inventive and much more learned than the men of former days who have been deified, and yet they would never come to worship them. The makers and authors of these myths think that they are 138 the wisest of the Greeks. Why need we speak of other infatuated people, Egyptians and the like, who place their reliance upon wild beasts and most kinds of creeping things and cattle, and worship them, and offer sacrifices to them both while living and when dead?'
139 'Now our Lawgiver being a wise man and specially endowed by God to understand all things, took a comprehensive view of each particular detail, and fenced us round with impregnable ramparts and walls of iron, that we might not mingle at all with any of the other nations, but remain pure in body and soul, free from all vain imaginations, worshiping the one Almighty God above the whole 140 creation. Hence the leading Egyptian priests having looked carefully into many matters, and being cognizant with (our) affairs, call us " men of God ". This is a title which does not belong to the rest of mankind but only to those who worship the true God. The rest are men not of God but of meats and drinks and clothing. For their whole disposition leads them to find solace in these things. 141 Among our people such things are reckoned of no account. but throughout their whole life their 142main consideration is the sovereignty of God. Therefore lest we should be corrupted by any abomination, or our lives be perverted by evil communications, he hedged us round on all sides by 143 rules of purity, affecting alike what we eat, or drink, or touch, or hear, or see. For though, speaking generally, all things are alike in their natural constitution, since they are all governed by one and the same power, yet there is a deep reason in each individual case why we abstain from the use of certain things and enjoy the common use of others. For the sake of illustration I will run over one or two 144 points and explain them to you. For you must not fall into the degrading idea that it was out of regard to mice and weasels and other such things that Moses drew up his laws with such exceeding care. All these ordinances were made for the sake of righteousness to aid the quest for virtue and 145 the perfecting of character. For all the birds that we use are tame and distinguished by their cleanliness, feeding on various kinds of grain and pulse, such as for instance pigeons, turtle-doves, 146 locusts, partridges, geese also, and all other birds of this class. But the birds which are forbidden you will find to be wild and carnivorous, tyrannizing over the others by the strength which they possess, and cruelly obtaining food by preying on the tame birds enumerated above and not only so, but 147they seize lambs and kids, and injure human beings too, whether dead or alive, and so by naming them unclean, he gave a sign by means of them that those, for whom the legislation was ordained, must practice righteousness in their hearts and not tyrannize over any one in reliance upon their own strength nor rob them of anything, but steer their course of life in accordance with justice, just as the tame birds, already mentioned, consume the different kinds of pulse that grow upon the earth 148 and do not tyrannize to the destruction of their own kindred. Our legislator taught us therefore that it is by such methods as these that indications are given to the wise, that they must be just and effect nothing by violence, and refrain from tyrannizing over others in reliance upon their own 149 strength. For since it is considered unseemly even to touch such unclean animals, as have been mentioned, on account of their particular habits, ought we not to take every precaution lest our own 150 characters should be destroyed to the same extent? Wherefore all the rules which he has laid down with regard to what is permitted in the case of these birds and other animals, he has enacted with the object of teaching us a moral lesson. For the division of the hoof and the separation of the claws are intended to teach us that we must discriminate between our individual actions with a view 151 to the practice of virtue. For the strength of our whole body and its activity depend upon our shoulders and limbs. Therefore he compels us to recognize that we must perform all our actions with discrimination according to the standard of righteousness - more especially because we have 152 been distinctly separated from the rest of mankind. For most other men defile themselves by promiscuous intercourse, thereby working great iniquity, and whole countries and cities pride themselves upon such vices. For they not only have intercourse with men but they defile their own 153 mothers and even their daughters. But we have been kept separate from such sins. And the people who have been separated in the aforementioned way are also characterized by the Lawgiver as possessing the gift of memory. For all animals " which are cloven-footed and chew the cud " 154 represent to the initiated the symbol of memory. For the act of chewing the cud is nothing else than the reminiscence of life and existence. For life is wont to be sustained by means of food 155 wherefore he exhorts us in the Scripture also in these words: 'Thou shalt surely remember the Lord that wrought in thee those great and wonderful things". For when they are properly conceived, they are manifestly great and glorious; first the construction of the body and the disposition of the 156 food and the separation of each individual limb and, far more, the organization of the senses, the operation and invisible movement of the mind, the rapidity of its particular actions and its discovery of the 157 arts, display an infinite resourcefulness. Wherefore he exhorts us to remember that the aforesaid parts are kept together by the divine power with consummate skill. For he has marked out every 158 time and place that we may continually remember the God who rules and preserves (us). For in the matter of meats and drinks he bids us first of all offer part as a sacrifice and then forthwith enjoy our meal. Moreover, upon our garments he has given us a symbol of remembrance, and in like manner he has ordered us to put the divine oracles upon our gates and doors as a remembrance of 159God. And upon our hands, too, he expressly orders the symbol to be fastened, clearly showing that we ought to perform every act in righteousness, remembering (our own creation), and above all the 160 fear of God. He bids men also, when lying down to sleep and rising up again, to meditate upon the works of God, not only in word, but by observing distinctly the change and impression produced upon them, when they are going to sleep, and also their waking, how divine and incomprehensible 161 the change from one of these states to the other is. The excellency of the analogy in regard to discrimination and memory has now been pointed out to you, according to our interpretation of " the cloven hoof and the chewing of the cud ". For our laws have not been drawn up at random or in accordance with the first casual thought that occurred to the mind, but with a view to truth and the 162 indication of right reason. For by means of the directions which he gives with regard to meats and drinks and particular cases of touching, he bids us neither to do nor listen to anything, thoughtlessly 163 nor to resort to injustice by the abuse of the power of reason. In the case of the wild animals, too, the same principle may be discovered. For the character of the weasel and of mice and such 164 animals as these, which are expressly mentioned, is destructive. Mice defile and damage everything, not only for their own food but even to the extent of rendering absolutely useless to man whatever 165 it falls in their way to damage. The weasel class, too, is peculiar: for besides what has been said, it has a characteristic which is defiling: It conceives through the ears and brings forth through the 166 mouth. And it is for this reason that a like practice is declared unclean in men. For by embodying in speech all that they receive through the ears, they involve others in evils and work no ordinary impurity, being themselves altogether defiled by the pollution of impiety. And your king, as we are informed, does quite right in destroying such men.' 167 Then I said 'I suppose you mean the informers, for he constantly exposes them to tortures and to 168 painful forms of death'. 'Yes,' he replied, 'these are the men I mean, for to watch for men's destruction is an unholy thing. And our law forbids us to injure any one either by word or deed. My brief account of these matters ought to have convinced you, that all our regulations have been drawn up with a view to righteousness, and that nothing has been enacted in the Scripture thoughtlessly or without due reason, but its purpose is to enable us throughout our whole life and in all our actions 169 to practice righteousness before all men, being mindful of Almighty God. And so concerning meats and things unclean, creeping things, and wild beasts, the whole system aims at righteousness and righteous relationships between man and man.'
170 He seemed to me to have made a good defense on all the points; for in reference also to the calves and rams and goats which are offered, he said that it was necessary to take them from the herds and flocks, and sacrifice tame animals and offer nothing wild, that the offerers of the sacrifices might understand the symbolic meaning of the lawgiver and not be under the influence of an arrogant self-consciousness. For he, who offers a sacrifice makes an offering also of his own soul in all its moods.171 I think that these particulars with regard to our discussion are worth narrating and on account of the sanctity and natural meaning of the law, I have been induced to explain them to you clearly, Philocrates, because of your own devotion to learning.

כ"ד משמרות כהונה

I have nothing to add. I just think the various wikipedia posts on the כד' משמרות כהונה and their various centers of living in ארץ ישראל are fascinating:

משמרות כהונה        משמרת חזיר       משמרת יהויריב

מצנפת, מגבעת, Letter of Aristeas

A peculiar description regarding the כהן גדול in the Letter of Aristeas or אגרת אריסטיאס at verse 98 (see text)  :

On his breast he wore the oracle of God, as it is called, on which twelve stones, of different kinds, were inset, fastened together with gold, containing the names of the leaders of the tribes, according to their original order, each one flashing forth in an indescribable way 98 its own particular colour. On his head he wore a tiara, as it is called, and upon this in the middle of his forehead an inimitable turban, the royal diadem full of glory with the name of God inscribed in sacred letters on a plate of gold

It sounds like from here the כהן גדול wore both a מגבעת and a מצנפת.... 

Sunday, February 19, 2012

חיים וחיות, אלמנות חיות

Throughout the blog I've mentioned the differences between חיים and הויה.

The former being always an interactive engaging with something external to oneself, most clearly manifested in 3 areas -- אשה, תורה, ואומנות--- all subsumed within the pasuk ראה חיים עם אשה אשר אהבת

The ד' נחשבים כמתים in נדרים סד all being instances of a life that is limited by it's engagement with the external world.

Hence, the גואל עיר מקלט being provided his subjective personal necessities for "having a life" and not just existing per se -- ונס אל אחת מן הערים האל וחי עביד ליה מידי דתיהוי ליה חיותא --מכות י עמוד א

Hence, the word חיים always being in the plural even when speaking of the life of a single individual.

It's then beautiful that by עגונה we switch to the singular -- חיות.

 שמואל ב ,כ ג-- וַיָּבֹא דָוִד אֶל בֵּיתוֹ יְרוּשָׁלַ‍ִם וַיִּקַּח הַמֶּלֶךְ אֵת עֶשֶׂר נָשִׁים פִּלַגְשִׁים אֲשֶׁר הִנִּיחַ לִשְׁמֹר הַבַּיִת וַיִּתְּנֵם בֵּית מִשְׁמֶרֶת וַיְכַלְכְּלֵם וַאֲלֵיהֶם לֹא בָא וַתִּהְיֶינָה צְרֻרוֹת עַד יוֹם מֻתָן אַלְמְנוּת חַיּוּת.

Saturday, February 18, 2012

בגד, בגידה, בבגדו בה, בא גד

The english translation of בגידה as betrayal and deceit being inaccurate. בגידה rather meaning "considering something external enough to oneself to be considered for change", as in "a change of clothing". [Compare with the סמיכות of שמלה and חליפה]. Why should changing political sides at different times in one's life be any more of a "betrayal" then wearing a different shirt on a different day?  Only because of the expectation that one's ideologies and values should be an integral and existential component of who one is. Hence, the negative sense of treachery/deceit that evolved for the word...

בבגדו בה - פר' משפטים then meaning the choice of the אדון to not carry over and maintain a relationship with the girl who has been working for him, or given to him as a פילגש (??) if I've understood the אדרת אליהו correctly on the pasuk, shows his relating to her as an external בגד of his life and not as in integral, irreplaceable part of it. A part of his life that is interchangeable. בבגדו בה (Granted this reads the בבגדו בה as going on the אדון, the thought may still hold true even if you learn the pasuk is referring to the אב in his having sold her... not sure...)

The כתיב then of  ותאמר לאה, בגד (בא גד); ותקרא את-שמו, גד not having to be necessarily a negative connotation of treachery. It simply means a change i.e. a change in מזל.

[I'm tickled by the בא גד - בגד in the pasuk. 2,3,4 vs 1,2,3,4. 9 vs 10.... could we say it's the א that makes the difference between בגידה and Existential Wholeness/Unity.... don't know.   See further שער מאמרי רשב"י על בראשית על אותיות ד' וג' בבריאת העולם]

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

פן יפרץ בהם יהוה

 שמות יט כב-- וְגַם הַכֹּהֲנִים הַנִּגָּשִׁים אֶל יְהוָה יִתְקַדָּשׁוּ פֶּן יִפְרֹץ בָּהֶם יְהוָה
וברש"י -- "פן יפרץ" - לשון פרצה יהרוג בהם ויעשה בהם פרצה

The impossible connotation in relation to Primal Existence the concept of "breaking out/forth by way of growth, strengthening" as by Yaakov, hence Rashi's לשון פירצה יעשה בהם פירצה  i.e. מצד הנבראים. 
Similarly his point on פסוק כד.

Monday, February 13, 2012

רבינו בחיי על פרקי אבות

[רבינו בחיי בן אשר על פרקי אבות - הקדמה -  pg. 20/148]

רצו החכמים לומר כי המוסר הוא שיגדל אדם את נפשו בתועלת מעשית גופניות לפי שהן סולם לעלות אל המידות השכליות עד יעלה עניינו למדרגת מדות הנביא המתנבא ברוח הקדש, שהוא העשירית למדות, כמו שהזכירו רז״ל א) ורוח הקדש גדולה מכולן, ואם כן הכל תלוי במוסר המדות להתהלך בנתיבתו ומתוך רום מעלתו. ויקר תפארת גדלתו הזהיר עליו שלמה בחכמתו (משלי א׳ הי) שמע בני מוסר אביך ואל תטוש תודת אמך, הוא המלך שלמה ע״ה אבי העולם והחכמה. ומפני זה נהג בכל דברי משליו העליונים ומוסריו [הנעימים] לקרוא לכל בני העולם בני, יאמר שם שמע בני ירא את ד׳ בני (שם כ״ד נ״א) חכם בני ושמח לבי (שם כ״ז י״ב) (משלי א׳ י׳) בני אם יפתוך הטאים, (שם ד׳ כי) בני לדברי הקשיבה, ורבים כיוצא בהם, וידוע כי מלת בן נגזר מבנין לפי שהבן בנין האב והאב יסודו ועיקרו, כן שלמה היה יסוד החכמה, וחכמי כל הדורות הבאים אחריו היו בניו שלו, ולכן יתמיד תמיד לקרוא את הכל בני, לפי שההכמה ניתנה לו במתנה וכענין שכתוב (מ״א ה׳ כ״ו) והי נתן חכמה לשלמה וכל יודעיה דור אחר דוד אינה אלא בניין חכמתו, וכן אמרו במדרש שיר השירים (פ״א ח׳) עד שלא בא שלמה למה הייתה תורה דומה לקופה שאין לה אזנים. בא שלמה ועשה לה אזנים אזן והקר... ועל דרך הפשט וכו' עכ"ל

לענ"ד כוונתו על שם הוי"ה דב"ן השייכת לחכמתא תתאה

Why Good Guys Get A Bad Rap & Other Shidduch Discontents

It saddens me how you can make a genuine gesture that is all-defined and all-contingent by the context it was given in; that someone can then go and "tell over the facts" but just viciously chooses to omit all the points of context and subtleties of conversation that make sense out of your actions, and the end result is an absolutely horrifying account of yourself that you shudder upon hearing being relayed from your family, friends, or "former friends"--  as the case may be after them having heard the story...

I think I've really come to understood better R' Matis' talks on לשון הרע and פרשת מרגלים... It's all about the context and it's in context where בעלי לשון roam free to crucify you to the stake as they see fit... sad... 

I hate dating through middlemen (a.k.a shadchanim). It's not enough dealing with the date itself but you then have to be constantly paranoid and stressed about not saying or doing anything that can be presented back to others in less than favorable light should the relayer so wish it... and that paranoia [which is truly valid] is what leads a good, honest man to close in and "play it safe" by offering nothing of his rough personal edges to allow for genuine, honest relationship and mutual understanding. In other words, the system makes it worthwhile to be disingenuous at worst or just plain dry, bland, superficial and tepid at best... how sad...

Etymology: Shapour שבור מלכא

The persian title of emperor- שבור מלכא being linked to the modern day persian name of Shapour.

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

איה ואיפה; איה מקום כבודו

The מלבי"ם in יאיר אור 9 (courtesy of points out that איה is used in instances where you have a sense of where the object is but are remarking how it ought to be by you. That having then ramifications for:

כבודו מלא עולם משרתיו שואלים זה לזה איה מקום כבודו להעריצו

Saturday, February 4, 2012

Impossible Paradox

As I get older it seems my ability to deepen relationships can only be done by way of offending--- at best, or hurting--- at worst.... an impossible paradox....