Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Shin, Tav, and Beit Addendum

After writing my last post regarding the Shin-Tav exchange in Russian I realized two flaws in the logic.

Firstly, the formal form in Russian is primarily defined by a "B" [ב] in it's address of 2nd person-- вы хотите, vui chatite, you want-

the "-te" [ת] is only used as a suffix.

Secondly, in the informal, of all letters, the primary letter used for 2nd person informal is ת!! -- Tei Choichish.

Worst of all is the established Tei-Vui distinction across many of the world's languages. See Wikipedia T-V Distinction. So what i said definitely needs tweaking...

However, you will note that in Hebrew-Aramaic as well, the ת not only switches with ש as mentioned earlier, but with ב as well... as in תא שמע . coming from בא שמע.

So at this point what we have is a seemingly complex interchange between ש,ב,ת. Interesting.

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