Friday, December 21, 2012

Salt and Existentialism

See the Malbim on the Sifra (ויקרא נדבה פרק יד) where he explains the concept of מליחה on all קרבנות as:  despite our burning of the physical carcass of the קרבן, the existential component (i.e. salt) must never cease. Very nice then with the kabbalistic references of מלח equaling ג' פעמים הויה.

Why exactly 3x though needs further understanding.... further interesting to note that מלח is mentioned exactly 3 times in the pasuk ויקרא ב יג... making then a sum total of 9 הויות, possibly then a remez to ג' כלילן תוך ג' וט' ספירות של ז"א...

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