Saturday, August 23, 2008

Talmud Bavli Manuscripts -- Hebrew University

Just came across the Hebrew University's webste --- amazing!! overwhelming!! There's is SOOO much there.

But one thing in particular i came across was a section of online manuscripts of Gemara --

you can pick any gemara from among three versions of manuscripts (1) Fireze, Italy (2) Munich, Germany (3) Paris, France

anyway, it's really something that would and should take a lifetime to process... but just one interesting thing i saw when looking at the French Manuscript on Berachot:

where the gemara wants to know on the pasuk ובא השמש וטהר ... how do we know וטהר is on the day and not the man... our version has because it should have said ויטהר but the version in the French manuscript is לכתוב קרא וכבוא השמש וטהר and I really like the logic of that version actually.

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