Sunday, September 20, 2009

וקנא את אשתו

Told a girl I was dating that were I to be married I wouldn't want my wife in a workplace requiring her to work closely with other men.

(my logic being, although not necessarily necessary for this post, that I've always found that the closest connections I've made with girls was when working with them over long periods of time)

response received in hebrew: "מה אתה איש קנאי או משהו?"

my response to that essentially being "yes. when it comes to things that are dear to me and personal, yes. I want them to be intimately unique to me and not "out there" floating around with others". Essentially a concept of הרי את מקודשת לי ,מיוחדת לי

but only then realized the connection of קנין to קנאות. A קנאות that stems from a sense of קנין. Something that you feel is yours. Also then a sense of קן , nest, home.

Behooves us then to understood how this all connects to קין. Particularly as we've already demonstrated that קין and קנין are related in other aspects.

[P.S.: Zohar Breishit רמה עמוד ב

"קשה כשאול קנאה" -- כל מאן דרחים ולא קשיר עמיה קנאה, לאו רחימותיה רחימותא. כיון דקני -- הא רחימותא אשתלים. מכאן אוליפנא, דבעי בר נש לקנאה לאנתתיה, בגין דיתקשר עמה רחימותא שלים, דהא מגו כך לא יהיב עינוי באינתו אחרא. 



Anonymous said...

I find your -desire- fair. In all honesty, were I married, I wouldn't be comfortable with my husband working with other women. And I most certainly would expect him to wear his ring!

However, given the workings of modern day, I would never expect it. If you were to encourage your wife to pursue the career she desires despite your own personal discomfort, and trusted that she could fend off any man who pursues her, then you have absolutely nothing to worry about.

No one should fault you for how you -feel-. We ALL have emotions which make us somewhat vulnerable. You've heard the phrase that a man and woman who sleep in separate beds will not last? Pish posh. It's all a matter of perspective. One who thinks "my spouse does not share my bed, therefore she does not love me" is doomed to being miserable and eventually straying. But having faith in your spouse's love is what brings you closer together, -whatever- decisions either of you make... including the decision to work in a co-ed environment.

Daniel said...

I generally agree to all your points.

I should clarify though that my discomfort is less a fear of the temptations of actual adultery and more an issue of the violation/invasion of that which is intimately mine by way of the inevitable emotional bonds that are created between two coworkers in their day-to-day experiences.

In other words, even if I were to fully trust my wife to remain faithful, it's irrelevant to my discomfort. The facts will always remain that "Joe" sat through the managers boring meeting with her, and "Joe" shared with her that crazy day when the computers went down, etc etc etc.

For a man who relates to his wife in the light mentioned above, that of קנין it becomes an understandably unsettling reaction. I'd say akin to having someone everyday pull up a chair in front of your house and sit there for hours on end-- he's done nothing wrong but there's a natural human reaction towards the sense of invasion of personal territory nonetheless.

Much appreciate all your comments throughout the blog btw. Should I refrain from commenting replies to them on an individual basis don't mistake that for lack of care or appreciation on my part. To the contrary, I'm honestly delighted that someone took interest to comment and share their thoughts and feedback. Consider this a universal thank you for all past and future thoughts of yours. :-)