Thursday, January 26, 2012

תפלה As Defining Reality; מתפלל, ויפלל, פלילים

[It's possible I've heard all this from R' Matis, forgot, and now it comes to me as if I thought of it myself]

It's quite a startling thing-- the text of our Tefillah lacks any phrases of requests?!! If you look through the עמידה you will not find a single wording of a request (such as "please" נא or "could you" האם תוכל or "we beg you" אנו מתחננים etc etc) save for two [see below]. Everything is said either בלשון צווי or in the prophetic future tense.. דוק ותשכח

תפלה and פלל meaning "defining how reality ought to be".
Justice in Life depending not on existential Truth of שמים alone but on how it's perceived and received מצד Creation and the נבראים.  Avraham's השופט כל הארץ לא יעשה משפט being then an issue that must be addressed even if Truth by itself sees otherwise... תפלה then being the ultimate example of the mutuality and interrelationship of מלכות Cf. ואני תפלה... אין מלך בלא עם

מתפלל then being "re-defining to oneself  how reality ought to be"

ויפלל  then being "asserting on the world how I feel reality ought to be" and hence the קנאות of פנחס being not an act of פסק דין but a visceral reaction to what the קנאי sees as a violation of what ought to be --- בועל ארמית הבא לימלך אין מורין לו as R' Matis always explained.

and of course then- beautifully- the one instance of פלל appearing in a situation of defining something that had yet to be and come into the world -- דמי וולדות i.e. כאשר ישית עליו בעל האשה ונתן בפלילים.

תפלה being unable to define reality once reality has already manifested physically יהי רצון שלא יהו אלו תוך ביתי-- הרי זו תפלת שוא

[Note: In נוסח אשכנז there is not a single instance of נא in the עמידה. In נוסח עדות המזרח there are two.. one in גאולה of ראה נא בענינו and one  in ברכת צדיקים we have ועלינו יהמו נא רחמיך ה' אלקינו.... I do not have an explanation....]

[Later found the Malbim says this point on פלל and הפלאה, see here.

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