Monday, September 1, 2008

The Be'er Click

a quasi-thought on the various instances of מי באר עולים לקראת צדיק . A striking metaphor i find to a sensed phenomenon. Sometimes a person engages in an endeavor or system which just "clicks" for him. He senses as if literally outside phenomena are "working with him, for him" i.e. the water coming to greet you. Only understood by those who have once sensed it i guess... a certain harmonious integration of man and the reality outside of him... being "on" as some would say.... וה' עמו...

with that in mind, the fascinating chiddush then of מציאת אשה בבאר , ( i have to find the midrash.. but essentially it points out that many wives were found by wells)

[Noteworthy to mention that the phenomenon also exists for the bad -- (Br"Rb 38:8) 

ותהי להם הלבנה לאבן והחמר היה להם לחומר 
רבי הונא אמר: הוות מצלחת בידן, אתי למבני חדא הוא בני תרתין, אתי למישויע תרתין והוא מישויע ארבע. 

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