Thursday, December 25, 2008

ואיבה אשית בינך ובין האשה

It seems to me that this needs more analyzing. What is the איבה between woman and snake and how does it manifest itself?

I don't think it can be understood in the sense of "fear/repulsion" that many women naturally feel towards snakes for two reasons.

1) the pasuk implies it's a mutual relationship, ואיבה אשית בינך ובין האשה, so that seemingly the nachash also feels the same towards woman.

2) the word is not פחד or שקץ, it's איבה . Which really brings to the crux of the issue what does the word איבה mean? (have to remind myself to look at a Malbim) Does it have anything to do with the איבה in the תיקוני עולם that are mentioned in gemara Gittin?

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